SGR Generate Graph-EN : Différence entre versions

De BlueWiki
Ligne 120 : Ligne 120 :
10.Number of white pixels around the symbols
10.Number of white pixels around the symbols
11.Values font color
'''Specific parameters for curves'''
'''Specific parameters for curves'''
11.Start color for the gradient for curves, if you specify a start value gradient for a curve, you must specify a color gradient to end, if you do not do it, the gradient will not be displayed
12.Start color for the gradient for curves, if you specify a start value gradient for a curve, you must specify a color gradient to end, if you do not do it, the gradient will not be displayed
12.End color for the gradient for curves
13.End color for the gradient for curves

Version du 13 janvier 2014 à 18:12

Component Command List

French version


Parameters Type Parameter # Description

Name of Graph's parameters Pointer caption 1 Pointer to a text array that contains the name of the parameters, this array must have the same size as the array of parameter values ​​of the graph

Possible values ​​of the parameter of the graph are the following:

Title parameters

  • - "Titre" or "Title" : graph title
  • - "alignement du titre" ou "TitleAlignement" : Title Alignment 0,1,2,3
  • - "Police du graphe" ou "GraphFont" : Title font and default font for legend and scale (arial by default)
  • - "TitleFontSize" ou "Taille de la police du titre" : Title font size
  • - "TitleFontStyle" ou "Style de la police du titre" : Title font style (ex (bold+italic))
  • - "TitleFontColor" ou "Couleur de la police du titre" : Title font color

Legende parameters

  • - "Affichage de la légende" or "ShowLegend" : Display the legend "oui", "vrai", "true", "yes", "non", "no", "Faux", "false"
  • - "Police de la légende" ou "legendFont" : Legend font, if this value is passed, it replaces the "graphFont"
  • - "LegendFontSize" ou "Taille de la police de la légende" : Legend font size
  • - "LegendFontStyle" ou "Style de la police de la légende" : Legend font style
  • - "LegendFontColor" ou "Couleur de la police de la légende" : Legend font color
  • - "LegendBGcolor" ou "Couleur de fond de la légende" : Legend background color ("White:0" for transparency)

Main parameters

  • - "Orientation du graphe" ou "GraphOrientation" : Orientation of the x-axis
  • - "Titre axe abscisses" ou "abscissaName" : Name of the x-axis
  • - "Titre des ordonnés" ou "ordinateName" : Names of the y-axis
  • - "Couleur de fond du graphe" ou "GraphBGColor" : Background color of the graph
  • - "ForcingScalesToZero" : Zero forcing scales "Yes" ou "no"
Parameter values ​​of the graph pointer caption 2 Pointer to the array of parameter values this array must be the same size as the previous

Series names pointer caption 3 Pointer to the array of the labels series
ordinate pointer caption 4 Pointer to the array of values ​​of the ordinates
Values pointer caption 5 Pointer to 2D array of values ​​for series (numérique array)
Drawing curves parameters pointer caption 6 Pointer to the array of 2D text tracing parameters

1.Curve Type

  • "Aire" or "Area"
  • "Aire empilée" or "Area stacked"
  • "Aire proportionelle" or "Percentage Area"
  • "Aire enveloppe" or "Area range"
  • "Barre" or "Bar"
  • "Barre empilée" or "Stacked bar"
  • "Barre proportionnelle" or "Stacked percentage bar"
  • "Barre enveloppe" or "Bar range"
  • "Courbe" or "Line"
  • "Courbe empilée" or "Stacked Line"
  • "Point"


3.Tracing plan (not active yet)


5.Number of decimals when displaying values

6.marks on values ​​(only for areas and curves) no/square/circle/diamond/star/triangle/inverted triangle

7.Display values

  • no
  • V-InsideTop (only for bars)
  • V-InsideBottom (only for bars)
  • V-Outside
  • H-Outside or yes(default)

8.Size of the display font values


10.Number of white pixels around the symbols

11.Values font color

Specific parameters for curves

12.Start color for the gradient for curves, if you specify a start value gradient for a curve, you must specify a color gradient to end, if you do not do it, the gradient will not be displayed

13.End color for the gradient for curves

Values 2 pointer caption 5 Pointer to the actual 2D array of values ​​for the second sets of curves "envelope" type
Graph Picture caption Retour Image including the SVG code


Sample Code


For this graph you need to use the code below

ARRAY TEXT($nom_courbe;5)
ARRAY TEXT($ordonnée;12)
ARRAY REAL($value;5;12)

// Definition of generic parameters of the graph
ARRAY TEXT($DataGrapheName;0)
ARRAY TEXT($DataGraphe;0)
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"Title")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"Sales")  // 1 - Titre du graphe

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"GraphOrientation")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"vertical")  // orientation of the X axis

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"abscissaName")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"Period")  // Name of the X axis

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"ordinateName")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"Euro (€)")  // Name of the y axis values

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"ShowLegend")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"yes")  // Display the legend

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"GraphBGColor")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"White")  // Graph background color

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"ForcingScalesToZero")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"yes")  // Zero forcing scales

APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGrapheName;"GraphFont")
APPEND TO ARRAY($DataGraphe;"Arial")  // Font for all the graph

 //Setting the different curves
ARRAY TEXT($info_courbe;5;12)  //Number of curves multiplied by their 12 parameters
$info_courbe{1}{1}:="Courbe"  //type
$info_courbe{1}{2}:="dodgerblue"  //Color
$info_courbe{1}{3}:="2"  //Drawing order
$info_courbe{1}{4}:="Euro (€)"  //Unity
$info_courbe{1}{5}:="0"  //Nbre de décimales
$info_courbe{1}{6}:="Carré"  //Symbol values (Only for curve, point and area) no/circle/diamond/star/triangle/inverted triangle/square
$info_courbe{1}{7}:="no"  //Display values
$info_courbe{1}{8}:="no"  //Font size for values
$info_courbe{1}{9}:="75"  //Opacity

$info_courbe{2}{4}:="Euro (€)"

$info_courbe{3}{4}:="Euro (€)"

$info_courbe{4}{4}:="Euro (€)"

$info_courbe{5}{4}:="Euro (€)"

$nom_courbe{2}:="Revenue Y-1"
$nom_courbe{3}:="Target revenue"
$nom_courbe{4}:="Spread with previous year"
$nom_courbe{5}:="Other data"

 //Generation and filling data
For ($i;1;12)
$ordonnée{$i}:=String($i)+"/ 2013"
End for 

For ($i;1;12)
End for 

TheGraphe:=SGR_Generate_Graph (->$DataGrapheName;->$DataGraphe;->$nom_courbe;->$ordonnée;->$value;->$info_courbe)