Composant Graphe SVG-EN

De BlueWiki
Version du 1 décembre 2014 à 07:33 par Paul Kuhn (discuter | contributions)

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The component allows you to generate the following graphs

  • Bars, stacked bar, proportionals bars
  • Area, stacked area, proportionals areas
  • Curves
  • Points
  • Mixed graphs (Area + bar + curve + points)
  • Pie graph
  • Pyramids
  • Kiviat or spiderWeb
  • Bubble Graph
  • Polar Graph
  • Colorized map
  • Time Line

The graph generation is done by very simple commands and the component is provided with a base of examples.

On mouse over, you can know the Id of the slected element and be able to display a bubble personalized and somme detailed help.

As this component is still quite young, he is changing rapidly, we are listening to your suggestions for advancing.


As this component is still quite young, he is changing rapidly, we are attentive to your ideas to make it progress.

Current version 1.3.5 November 30, 2014

Check Graph Release Notes


  • SGR_DrawMap allows to colorized maps or other drawings


