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Why components...

When you wish to add other features in 4D, you buy a plug- in realizedby another developer, then you make the integration in your software. Theinconvenience of this system is that if the developer of the plug-in stops itsdevelopment or takes time to update it,you have no solution.

You lose then not only the purchasing cost of this plug-in, butespecially the cost corresponding to the time you spent to integrate it in yourown program. You thus have to begin again the operation with another plug-in whichdo not work necessarily in the same way.

The components of Blue Company are written in 4D language, which is knownby developers. They are supplied with source code to ensure their timelessness.The developer can work with a code he masters and doesn’t lose the investment of the integration.

Our components

Blue Company has today realized 4 components :

  1. SVG calendar component
  2. SVG Charts component
  3. Direct use component
  4. VAT component

All our component are tested and maintained in 4D compatibility and so take advantage or its new features. They are moreover tested with the version14 of 4D. Sources are naturally supplied with every new version. Then, when a component is supplied to a developer, this one doesn’t depend on our company. Besides, the users of our components have at their disposal a Wiki documentation. They can refer to it, comment and have a collaborative work.

SVG Calendar component

Planning hebdomadaire

This component allows to show a diary with three views:

  • weekly
  • infinite
  • monthly

This component is multi-resources. You can:

  • manage holidays automatically or manually
  • Lock events
  • Choose polices, colors, transparency of every element.
  • And much more...

The component sends back to you the following events: modified event, onclick, on double click, on creation... The events are also managed in the heading zone, in the side zone or inthe corner. Tools allowing to manage the external drag and drop are supplied.

French documentation (English documentation coming soon)

SVG charts component

Graphe composite

The component allows to generate the following graphs:

  • Bars, stack bars, proportional bars
  • Areas
  • Curves
  • Combined (areas + bars + curves)
  • Pie
  • Pyramids
  • Kiviat or stars charts
  • Bubble charts
  • Polar charts

The generation of the graphs is made by very simple commands and thecomponent is supplied with a basis of examples. You’ll soon be able to have a new graphs: the distribution in area graph. You can have a personalized and detailed help thanks to the Helpbubbles. As this component is still young, you have the possibility to make your suggestions to improve it.

We also realized maps with putting in colors of the departments. We are at your disposal to provide you the code as part of your license.

English documentation - French documentation

Direct use component

Some of you have integrated into their products the access to the directuse. Unfortunately, in V12, this feature is no longer available. We have developed a component that incorporates this feature of use and even more.

  • Multi-record list with changing sections for each memorized list
  • Search editor
  • Advanced apply to selection
  • Operation on selections
  • Search editor with storable researches
  • Parameters storing in a apart data
  • Import-export
  • Production of fast report from a screen list ...

The call of component is made in one instruction.

VAT Component

The VAT component is a 4D component offered by BlueCompany to the developers community.

Sources are freely available here : Fichier:VAT.4dbase - V11.rar

The available functions are the following ones:

  • checking of credit cards numbers
  • checking of EAN13 code
  • checking of VAT numbers on the European community server and return of the name and address of the corresponding company
  • checking of RIB key of a bank account number
  • checking of the validity of an European bancknote
  • checking of the validity of a french social security number

French documentation