SGR Generate Graph-EN

De BlueWiki

French version


Parameters Type Parameter # Description

Name of Graph's parameters Pointer caption 1 Pointer to a text array that contains the name of the parameters, this array must have the same size as the array of parameter values ​​of the graph

Les valeurs possible de paramètre du graphe sont les suivantes :

  1. - "Titre" or "Title" : graph title
  2. - "Orientation du graphe" or "GraphOrientation" : Orientation of the x-axis
  3. - "Titre axe abscisses" or "abscissaName" : Name of the x-axis
  4. - "Titre des ordonnés" or "ordinateName" : Names of the y-axis
  5. - "Affichage de la légende" or "ShowLegend" : Display the legend "yes" or "no"
  6. - "Couleur de fond du graphe" or "GraphBGColor" : Background color of the graph
  7. - "ForcingScalesToZero" : Zero forcing scales "Yes" ou "no"
  8. - "Police du graphe" or "GraphFont" : Font legends and scales
  9. - "alignement du titre" or "TitleAlignement" : Title Alignment 0,1,2,3
Parameter values ​​of the graph pointer caption 2 Pointer to the array of parameter values this array must be the same size as the previous

Series names pointer caption 3 Pointer to the array of the labels series
ordinate pointer caption 4 Pointer to the array of values ​​of the ordinates
Values pointer caption 5 Pointer to 2D array of values ​​for series (numérique array)
Drawing curves parameters pointer caption 6 Pointer to the array of 2D text tracing parameters

1.Curve Type

  • "Aire" or "Area"
  • "Aire empilée" or "Area stacked"
  • "Aire proportionelle" or "Percentage Area"
  • "Aire enveloppe" or "Area range"
  • "Barre" or "Bar"
  • "Barre empilée" or "Stacked bar"
  • "Barre proportionnelle" or "Stacked percentage bar"
  • "Barre enveloppe" or "Bar range"
  • "Courbe" or "Line"
  • "Courbe empilée" or "Stacked Line"
  • "Point"


3.Tracing plan (not active yet)


5.Number of decimals when displaying values

6.marks on values ​​(only for areas and curves)

7.Display values

  • no
  • V-InsideTop (only for bars)
  • V-InsideBottom (only for bars)
  • V-Outside
  • H-Outside or yes(default)

8.Size of the display font values


10.Number of white pixels around the symbols

Specific parameters for curves

11.Start color for the gradient for curves, if you specify a start value gradient for a curve, you must specify a color gradient to end, if you do not do it, the gradient will not be displayed

12.End color for the gradient for curves

Values 2 pointer caption 5 Pointer to the actual 2D array of values ​​for the second sets of curves "envelope" type
Graph Picture caption Retour Image including the SVG code