Composant Graphe SVG-EN : Différence entre versions
De BlueWiki
(Page créée avec « ==General== The component allows you to generate the following graphs * Bars, stacked bar, proportionals bars * Area, stacked area, proportionals areas * Curves * Points *... ») |
Version du 30 novembre 2013 à 10:55
Sommaire |
The component allows you to generate the following graphs
- Bars, stacked bar, proportionals bars
- Area, stacked area, proportionals areas
- Curves
- Points
- Mixed graphs (Area + bar + curve + points)
- Pie graph
- Pyramids
- Kiviat or spiderWeb
- Bubble Graph
- Polar Graph
- Colorized map
- Time Line
The graph generation is done by very simple commands and the component is provided with a base of examples.
On mouse over, you can know the Id of the slected element and be able to display a bubble personalized and somme detailed help.
As this component is still quite young, he is changing rapidly, we are listening to your suggestions for advancing.
- SGR_Generate_bubbleChart permet de générer des graphes à bulles
- SGR_Generate_Graph permet de générer des graphes en courbes, aires et barres
- SGR_Generate_Pie permet de générer des camemberts
- SGR_Generate_PolarGraph permet de générer des graphes polaires
- SGR_Generate_Kiviat permet de générer des graphes de Kiviat ou graphes en étoile
- SGR_Generate_Pyramid permet de générer des pyramides telles des pyramides des ages